Physical Damage

Also known as Comprehensive and Collision, this policy protects your vehicle and trailer if it is damaged in an accident. It will pay to repair or replace the vehicle.

Physical Damage

Physical Damage (also known as Comprehensive and Collision) protects your vehicle and trailer if it is damaged in an accident. It will pay to repair or replace the vehicle if it collides with another object, overturns, rolls, or is damaged by something other than a collision with a vehicle or object (such as hail or a falling tree), or if their vehicle is stolen. Physical Damage may be required if you have a loan or lease on your vehicle or trailer.

Physical damage coverage is an important coverage that we will always suggest that you acquire, but it can be declined. In the event of an accident that renders your vehicle totaled, it is important to have a way to purchase another vehicle to keep your business going.

Secure the BEST Physical Damage coverage now!

Check your rates​
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